This is not a commitment to make a loan. All Loans are subject to underwriting guidelines. Programs and rates are subject to change without notice based on market conditions and borrower eligibility. All borrowers will not qualify.
This offer is made by VanDyk Mortgage. VanDyk Mortgage is not an Agency of the Federal Government. This is not a commitment to make a loan. All Approvals are subjct to Underwriting Guidelines and Approval. Underwriting Guidelines include but are not limited to: acceptable credit and income history, current homeowners insurance, etc. Rates and Terms are subject to change based on market conditions and borrower eligibility. All will not qualify.
VanDyk Mortgage is a private company specializing in FHA & VA financing, VanDyk Mortgage Corp is not a government agency. Copyright ? 2007 - 2016 VanDyk Mortgage. All Rights Reserved.